Thursday, January 16, 2014

Reflections after our first Food Truck Rodeo!

SO much has happened since my last post!  We have been busy keeping the trailer running smooth, trying out new locations, and making delicious coffee memories!

At the rodeo we served over 200 thirsty customers!!  WOW.  Big thank you to Julie Morris and Cam Kinch who swooped in and saved the day by getting us milk and cups when we ran out and helped brew coffee like pros!

Some of my favorite things that I have heard about us lately:

"This has got to be the nicest food truck I have ever seen"

"Oh my god, this hot chocolate is amazing."

"This smells incredible."

"Best latte I've had in years.  And I'm not just saying that!"

So a HUGE thank you to our supporters and small group of loyal followers!  If I were to say that it is tough starting a business I would be understating it by about a billion. There's so much uncertainty, politics, and grundgy work!  But the trade off is that we get to make our own schedule and be our own bosses!  

In other news, we had our first catering gig on Tuesday night on Duke's West Campus!  Tim got to talk with coffee-craving students about the pourover method and then hand out free cups of fresh-brewed coffee and loose leaf tea!  Big thank you to RA of the year Jeff Nelson and the Kilgo Quadrangle.  If you are curious about having us cater your event, email INFO@CAFFEBELLEZZA.COM.

Here's to every beautiful cup!

Caffe Bellezza

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