Tuesday, November 12, 2013

When a light is more than just a light

Caffe Bellezza now has lights.  It took about 2 hours total, and a number of creative "turns" but I was able to install two sets of energy efficient CFL track lights.  These hook directly into the solar panel system, running purely off of stored energy from the sun.

As exciting as it was to finally flip the switch and watch the lights come on, I was reminded of my dilemma while I was in the store shopping for these lights.  I knew that I was going to purchase energy star certified lights, but while I was in there, I was struck by something profound:


I mean, I get that energy efficiency is a relatively new concept (yes, that's sarcasm) but come on, guys! Three times as much??  For just a minute, I considered crumbling and just getting the halogen set.  But then I took a deep breath and bought the CFLs.

This experience reminded me why Caffe Bellezza is committed to sustainability in the first place.  It's not because it's convenient and everyone's doing it because they are not.  It's not because it's affordable because it really isn't.  It's because if we don't commit to better efficient power (and we're talking 75% more efficient in this case), then we never will.  Sounds profound, huh?  Seriously.  If we don't COMMIT to the idea, than we'll continue to buy cheap bulbs and cheap products and fill up our landfills with outdated equipment and we'll never push our scientists and our brilliant young minds of tomorrow to do better.  The prices for efficient products will never go down because we'll always have to stock the shelves with slightly cheaper things "just in case".  

So yes, buying these lights hurt my wallet.  A lot.  But ya know what?  I'm okay with that.  The lights that burn over our little Mobile Coffee Bar will always be a reminder that we are making a stand to be a part of the solution.

What's our slogan?


www. caffebellezza.com

1 comment:

  1. Kudos on the commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability! I like how you said that it's not about convenience or affordability - it's about making the commitment to be more mindful of the impact that it can have, both in the here-and-now as well as in the future. And you're absolutely right! I hope more people can catch this vision as time moves forward.
